Trailblazing Transformation
Blazing the Infinite Source Within 505-660-5511

Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session: $333 per session
Brian Weiss Past Life Regression Session $333 per session
*ThetaHealing: $333 per full session or $111 per hour
A Four to Six Hour Intensive of one or more of the modalities offered above: $333
Please add Santa Fe Sales Tax on all totals.
It is within your gifts and nature, as well as encoded in the high vibrational tools offered, to facilitate comprehensive transformation, at the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels, in a broad range of life categories. Often radical changes occur in one session. In some situations three to four sessions better allow shifts from various angles, securing major solid, lasting results.
Full payment is due prior to the session on-line, or when you arrive at the appointment. Cash, Credit Card or Paypal payments are accepted.
*ThetaHealing is available via Skype or phone.
Feel welcome to use the payment options below, for a a session,
or series of sessions. The donations button may be used to pay
an alternative amount, as pre-established, prior to the session itself.
This option is available, when promotions are current and valid.
Check the promotions Page, for the latest promotion available.
Donations are always welcome,
to help lubricate the flow of these
expressions of Divine Service.
If you would like to pay it forward, this option is also available, to donate a full session, or portion of a session, to a community member, open to benefiting, from this process.
In Grace and Gratitude, Jen.
Please note, ThetaHealing is available on Skype, Google Video, and or phone, locally and globally.
Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions are available primarily, in my Santa Fe Office. Many enjoy traveling to Beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico, for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Session in person.
Requests are always considered, if special circumstances require an option, not listed here.